24th Royan International Research Award
September 3rd, 2025 - Tehran - Iran
Royan International Research Award was founded by the late director of Royan Institute, Dr. Saeid Kazemi Ashtiani, with the aim of encouraging the researchers and appreciating their efforts. This annual award is turning to a prestigious scientific event and highly competitive among young researchers.
The research projects that meet the following criteria are invited to be submitted:
1- They are implemented during the last three years
2- They resulted in publication at high prestigious journals (Impact factor > median journal of related subjects)
3- They are submitted by the principal investigator of the research group including first author or corresponding author
The scientific background and the submitted research projects are evaluated through an intense jury procedure by Award’s national and international Jury board to whom our special thank goes. Each year the prominent researches with outstanding contribution in biological sciences, specifically Stem Cell Biology and Biotechnology as well as Reproductive Biomedicine and Biotechnology, whom their research impacted life science significantly, are selected and praised.
The winners will be invited to take part in Award Ceremony on the designated day so as to be granted their awards.
Each winner will be rewarded with a certificate, the symbol of Royan Award and 5000 USD cash. It is necessary for winners to present their works at Royan International Twin Congress along with the Award Ceremony.
In addition to our primary goal of respecting prominent scientists in the related fields, we are committed to exchange our achievements and longtime experiences to strengthen our cordial relationships and confer with scientific think thanks and research centers. It is highly desirous for us that our efforts lead to the appraisal of biological science and translation of research in order to have less patients and a better quality of life.